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Pre-Deaconess Alumna Profile: Shea Pruhs '13

October 19, 2017 - 1 minute read

Shea Pruhs

As a high school student, I knew I wanted to attend a Christian college. I fell in love with Concordia University Irvine from the first moment I stepped on campus. Who wouldn’t want to live and attend school in such a lovely location? But it was so much more than that! Each student, staff member and professor I met that day was genuinely interested in me. I felt the warm sense of community from the very start.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the wonderful people I met at Concordia. Each professor was a role model and was committed to helping me turn my God-given strengths and passions into a vocation. The students I studied alongside were equally as bright and kind. Together we supported each other through some really great times of growth, not only in our academics, but also in our personal relationship with Jesus. And now that we’ve each gone our own ways, we continue to support each other in new ways.

As a seminary student, I’m just beginning to realize the amazing depths of the education I received at Concordia University Irvine. For many students, the transition to graduate school can be overwhelming, but my professors at Concordia pushed me academically much further than I realized. With each new class I take, I’m continually in awe of how well they prepared me for the rigors of graduate study.

My dream is to someday work with youth in a local congregation. It will be my joy and privilege to walk beside them as they take a deeper interest in their faith and make it their own as they come into adulthood – just as the professors and people at Concordia did for me.

I'm in awe of how well the professors prepared me for the rigors of graduate study.

My advice for prospective students of Concordia University Irvine is to let God lead. I arrived as a freshman thinking I wanted to teach English. But God had other plans, and I’m so grateful he gave me such wonderful mentors and friends to help me find my way.

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